We now return with...
The Struggles of a Cast Fortetecher
By: Deja and Deja Vu
My New Year's resolution was to try a Cast Fortetecher, and it was ironic that I spent hours hiding behind its decoration...
I picked up my depressed self and just decided to go for a walk on the first floor.
Then my eye caught glimpse of a strange sight...
We must have talked for hours afterward, discussing about what I did between lvl 64 and 70, and how many times I got laid...(I insisted that zero times was
Then for some reason we both started pruning...now I know that is me...
Anyways, I agreed to my future self's wish, but I decided to take a different path...
It was time for a new look!
Also, I grabbed a witness on the 5th floor and proceeded to change to Fortefighter...or did I?
I then joined a random Hive game armed with my new spear, in hopes that my plan worked. Purify, I shall...
I only attacked when other numbers popped up, in hopes of concealing my secret.
But then I did something foolish, I equipped my Rod. Out of habit I usually level buffs at the end of every mission.
I agree Zen Skylo, I agree...
...and here I am, right back to square one, only this time purple and equipped with free HBO...
...when suddenly a person entered my shop...
*cue Batman or Dragon Ball Z music*
Who is this strange fellow who entered Deja's room? Perhaps fate has mixed paths with Deja and this fleshy?! Stay tuned to find out!